Styled Shoot Info

Location: The Barn at Tall Oaks, 9199 Chillicothe Road, Kirtland, Ohio 44095

Date: Sunday, April 25, 2021

Time: TBD

Hair/Makeup Time: TBD

Portraits Time: TBD

Vision Board


Seeking Vendors

We are still seeking the following VENDORS and items:

  • Hair Stylist

  • Bakery (wedding cake!)

  • Models

  • Makeup Artist

If I have already contacted you and you are interested in being a vendor, contact Kayla at 330-541-1438 or email at

We already have:

  • Photographer

  • Venue

  • Wedding Planner

  • Wedding Dress

  • Floral Artist

  • Wedding Signage

  • Invitations

Vendor Team

  • K Photography- Kayla McCullough (me!), Photographer | Facebook: @kphotographyweddings Instagram: @kphotography_weddings

  • Amy Burke Events- Amy Burke, Wedding & Event Planner | Facebook: @amyburkeevents Instagram: @amyburke_events

  • The Barn at Tall Oaks- Arianna Richardella, Sales & Marketing Manager | Facebook: @talloaksbarn Instagram: @talloaks_barn

  • Fogle Farm- Alex Fogle, Floral Artist | Facebook: @foglefarmoh Instagram: @foglefarm

  • Galleria Gowns- Clara (pronounced Clauda), Owner | Facebook & Instagram: @galleriagowns

  • Brittney Nichole Designs- Brittney, Invitations and Place cards | Facebook & Instagram: @brittneynicholedesigns

  • Bespoke by Britt- Brittnay Selmants, Wedding Signage | Facebook & Instagram: @bespokebybritt

  • Lavender and Lace Rentals- Rachel Cole, Owner | Facebook & Instagram: @lavenderandlacerentals

Vendor Information

Collaborations are great for so many reasons. It connects those of us in the wedding industry in meaningful ways that can not only connect us with more ideal clients, but also connect with others who “get it”. For your participation in the styled shoot each vendor receives access to a photo gallery of their product’s full resolution images available for download. Vendors will be able to use these images for their business’s website and social media and to show their clients. (Just make sure you tag the whole team!) All vendors will be required to sign an agreement before participation in the styled shoot that outlines all the terms. (So everyone is on the same page)

Model Information

MODEL CALL: We are seeking two people to be our wedding couple for this styled shoot. This can be a real couple! Love is love: We are open to every couple. If you are interested in being our couple, apply by filling out the form below. Be ready to send a photo of the two of you standing next to each other so we can see your cuteness! Guys: You will need to have a well fitted suit and dress shoes

Models receive a minimum of 10 images to download and keep for personal use. Consider it a free engagement or anniversary shoot, or just a really unique date! Both models will be required to sign an agreement before participation in the styled shoot that outlines all the terms. (So everyone is on the same page)

Click here to fill out the Model Application Form and then, make sure to send your photos!


Let’s see your beautiful, in love faces!!

Send some photos of you and your sweetheart to

(Showing your height difference, showing your current hair lengths, Bride and Groom’s shoe options, (and ties) and any others you’d like!

This page will continue to morph and change as the shoot becomes more and more fleshed out. I will be in contact with each of you as well as things develop.

Photos from our last Styled Shoot


