Brianna & Jamie Clark
Date: Friday, July 12, 2024
Lead Photographer: Kayla Kruger, K Photography (1:00-10:00)
Second Photographer: Merri
Address: Gervasi Vineyard, 700 55th St NE, Canton, OH 44721
Photography Start/Details
(Makeup Done)
Kayla with girls
Merri with guys *get Jamie getting jacket on/getting ready, *help Jamie with boutonniere
**Anyone helping Brianna with Dress be dressed and ready
1:30 - 2:00
Dress Goes ON
Jamie be ready to go to first look spot with Merri
First Look
Jamie and Brianna First Look
Portraits of Brianna + Jamie
Photo of Couple in Reception Hall
Bridal Party Photos
Whole Group
Just Girls
Just Girls Group Photos
Bri + Each Girl
Bri + Bella,Hunter
Bri + Ang, Nnenne, Bella
Bri + Ang, Nnenne, Davey
Bri + Ang, Nnenne
Just Guys
Just Guys Group Photo
Jamie + Each Guy
Jamie + Brad, Joey, Derek
Jamie + Bella, Hunter
Jamie + Bella
Jamie + Hunter
Kayla and Merri get set up for ceremony
Couple and Bridal Party rest and prep for ceremony
Family Formal Photos
Bri + Jamie/Full Bridal Party/ Hunter, Bella
Bri + Jamie, Hunter, Bella
Grooms side
Jamie Grandma
Jamie, Scott, Sarah, Grandma, Uncle Jay, Dina
Jamie, Scott, Sarah, Grandma, Hunter, Bella, Chris
Jamie, Jess, Hunter, Bella
Jamie, Uncle Jay
Jamie, Jess
Jamie, Scott (Groom + Dad)
Bri+ Jamie, Robert + Anna, Scott (Bride and Groom with both sets of parents)
Bride’s Side
Bri, Robert + Anna (Bride with Parents)
Bri, Anna, Robert, Delores, Joe, Beverly
Bri, Beverly
Bri, Delores + Joe
Bri, Anna (Bride + Mom)
Bri, Robert (Bride + Dad)
Bri, Fred
Bri, Fred and Fred’s wife
Couple Joins Cocktail Hour
5:45 Guest move to reception
Grand Entrance/Reception Begins
Entrances (Whole Bridal Party at once and then Couple)
Cake Cutting
Dinner Served
Speeches (MOH Nnenne and Groomsman Brad)
Dances (First Dance, Parent Dances)
Serve Dessert
Bouquet Toss/Garter Removal
Photo of everyone on the dance floor
*group photo HS wrestling team and coaches
Sunset Photos
Sun sets at 9:00 PM